On April 18, 2005, a seven-car express train leaving Takarazuka Station for Toshishamae Station suddenly derailed on a curved section near the confluence of Amagasaki Station and collided with an apartment in front of it, killing 107 people and injuring 562 people, It caused a total of 669 casualties and was recorded as one of the three major Japanese railway disasters, I will explain why this accident happened and the background of this accident, The accident occurred at 9:18 a.m. during rush hour, when the train derailed at a speed of 116 km/h and collided with a nearby apartment. The impact pushed car No. 1 into the building, and cars No. 2, 3, 4 and 5 derailed one after another https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amagasaki_derailment