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Reading gate - summary (The good Samaritan)

  1. Jesus would teach using stories.  The good samaritan is a story about loving your neighbor. Here is the story Jesus told: A man was walking down the road in jerusalem. He was alone on the road when he was surrounded by robbers. The robbers took his money and beat him up. Everyone who saw him didn't care about him, but a Samaritan helped him wake up, and gave some money.


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Jesus would teach using stories. 
This sentence is correct.

The good samaritan is a story about loving your neighbor.
The Good Samaritan is a story about loving your neighbor.
"The Good Samaritan" is capitalized because it refers to a specific and well-known biblical parable.

Here is the story Jesus told: A man was walking down the road in jerusalem.
Here is the story Jesus told: A man was walking down the road in Jerusalem.
Jerusalem is capitalized because it is a proper noun, the name of a specific city, and in English, proper nouns are typically capitalized

He was alone on the road when he was surrounded by robbers.
This sentence is correct.

The robbers took his money and beat him up.
This sentence is correct.

Everyone who saw him didn't care about him, but a Samaritan helped him wake up and gave some money.
Everyone who saw him didn't care about him, but a Samaritan helped him wake up and gave him some money.
The addition of "him" before "some money" is needed for clarity and grammatical correctness because it specifies that the Samaritan gave the money to the injured person, making the sentence more precise and understandable.

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